Thursday, February 28, 2013

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How I Made A Bodybuilder CRY LIKE A BABY!

This Guy Thought My Sleeve Splitting Biceps Workout Would Be To EASY For Him.. Then I 

Trained Him And He CRIED LIKE A BABY And begged for mercy!

Hello My Friend,

I have to tell you about something that happened to me the other day at the gym.

As you know, some guys just think that they are the greatest.  They take a few steroid's, put on a tight shirt  and walk around the gym thinking their God's gift to the bodybuilding world.

Well at 54 years old I've seen about everything there is to see in the field of weightlifting so I'm not impressed by these guys in the least bit.

Well yesterday while I was about to train my biceps one of these guys who know's of my reputation got cocky with me.  He said I was to old to keep up with him (he's 24 yrs. old) and that my biceps routine was to "easy" for him.

I asked if he had tried my biceps routine in my FREE book and he said yes, and thought it was lame.  I said then let's do it together so you can see how "REAL" weight training is done.  I bet him $10.00 that I would have him crying by the last set of the routine...He said "you're on old man!"

Well let me tell you,  that young punk got some kick @ss schooling in the world of real Muscle Building High Intensity Training.  No training  time wasted on looking in the mirror or jacking his jaw with anybody in talking distance.  No, just MuscleBuilder Rx training Style geared for minimum time in the gym and maximum muscle building results.


Just as I predicted, by the time he was on the final two set's he wanted to QUIT!  I said  "No way, this is what separates the Man from the Boy".

Well I pushed  him to complete the final rep of each set.  He had sweat and tears running down his face and looked like a baby that just had his  lolly pop taken away.

But in the end........

He told me that was the "Hardest biceps workout he EVER did" and that he "Felt great" now that it was over!

As I left the gym he tried to give me the $10.00 but I told him to keep his money, but advised him to get off the steroids and just train hard, heavy and eat like a Champion.

He thanked me for the free workout and said " From now on I want to be more like you".  Well that feeling of helping someone was worth more than money to me!

Have a GREAT workout and eat HealthyToday!

You Friend,


P.S. Don't wait, get your book at.......

Sleeve Splitting Biceps

Saturday, February 16, 2013

                         Fitness Training Part 1

Bodybuilding Fat Loss Muscle Building FREE! 

Dan Przyojski / Www.MuscleBuilderRx.Com
Get a FREE eBook at....

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

                                              How To Build Big Biceps That STAY Big!

18 Years Old
45 Years Old

Hello My Friend,

Back in the day (1970's) before creatine, steroids, ephedrine and a massive load of muscle building misinformation,  there was one guaranteed, time tested and sure fire way to build BIG biceps.  It was a simple training method I used called............................


Pretty simple hey!

I knew NOTHING about steroids back then, none of the guys I trained with knew about steroids.  The gym where I trained at only the Olympic lifters and Power Lifters used steroids.  We didn't even know they were using steroids!   In fact, Olympic lifters were the first athletes (starting in the 1950's) in the USA to use anabolic steroids.  Bodybuilders just got the bad reputation of using steroids because their physiques looked so good people just assumed they had to be on drugs.  I'm not saying bodybuilders did not use steroids, I'm saying at that time strength athletes were the biggest abusers of steroids.  Steroids quickly build strength and strength is the primary goal of the Olympic Lifter and Power Lifter.


Because there was no world Wide internet at that time, guys like me got their training and nutrition information from two major sources,  Magazines and/or the older bodybuilders from the gym you trained at.


The majority of the magazines at the time were pure BullCr@p.  Arnold was the king of bodybuilding so the training mantra of the day was a 6 days a week training routine that consisted of 20 sets of  very high repetition training for each body part being trained that day.


Following that kind of training insanity is why the first two years of my muscle building endeavors were fruitless.  That's why 98% of people getting into muscle building at that time quit after the first year.  You had to have steely determination and persistence if you wanted to achieve your goal, most people just give up.

 Well........, what happened since 1977-78 when I started bodybuilding?

I lucked out (no such thing as luck, just persistence) and happened (in 1979) to meet a few of the best pre-drug bodybuilders from the recent past.  These guys helped me to understand the proven applied  methods of training and nutrition that actually build muscle that last a life time, not a few weeks or months.
 At first the information was hard to accept, It was the opposite of what I was reading about  in the popular bodybuilding magazines of the day.  Remember I told you Arnold was king of bodybuilding and he trained with high reps and hundreds of sets, it had to be true!  Well, that type of bodybuilding was okay if you had the right genetics, took plenty of steroids and cared about nothing else in life including the future of your health!


I also had to take into account that I and many of my friends did NOT have the best genetics for building a muscular physique.  The pre-drug bodybuilders that helped me had above average genetics for building muscle,  so I had to modify and redesign the training and nutrition information so that the MAJORITY of us want-to-be Bodybuilders would be successful.

And now...............

The internet has taken the cycle of misinformation to a higher level.  More B.S.,  more hype and more failure.  It's the same old song with a different tune.  Be smart and take my word for it.  I lived through it and survived but would rather see you train and eat correctly the FIRST time around, not after years of wasted effort and money.

My FREE book "How To Build Sleeve Splitting Biceps"  is real world training that works!  Go and get it absolutely FREE of charge at my website Www.BodyBuildingWithoutSteroids.Com

My book "How To Build Incredible Arms"  is a method we actually used in the day to add an extra 1/2 inch of bicep size in one day!  It WORKS!


My" Bodybuilding Cookbook" is a must have for the serious muscle building guy or gal!

Remember to take your training and diet serious, that way you won't count the days of training and diet, but you'll make the training and diet days count!

Your Friend,

Dan Przyojski